
"I accept that the boys experienced enormous anxiety and fear".
You have heard evidence, which I think you don't doubt, that bare fists were used from time to time? A. I certainly don't doubt that the open hand was used.
They had to accept "there was quite an amount of truth in what people were saying to us, perhaps even more than we knew at that stage".
Most staff, many with little education and none with training in childcare, were from rural backgrounds.
they came across institutions where children were being punished, not at the time of a misdemeanour, but were later gathered on a stairway, were made to strip off, and were then beaten.
Friday, September 10, 2004
A number of sex abusers resided in Ferryhouse
A number of sex abusers had connections to the industrial school at Ferryhouse, the investigations committee of the child abuse commission was told yesterday. Father Patrick Pierce gave evidence about three other abusers, apart from "Brother X". He said he was appointed Irish provincial of the Rosminian congregation in 1991, and in July 1992 ITV broadcast a programme about abuse, after which he received a call from his counterpart in England.

He said he had been contacted by a man in Wales alleging that an Irish Rosminian priest, who had been a prefect at Ferryhouse in the 1960s, had attempted to abuse him on a visit to Ireland. The man then contacted Father Pierce about the priest, who was then serving in an Irish parish. Father Pierce contacted the local bishop, and the priest who was the subject of the complaint was sent to a treatment centre at Stroud in England. The man complaining did not want police involved. The priest left the ministry. In 1994 a former resident at Ferryhouse lodged a complaint against him.

This was reported to gardaĆ­ in Clonmel, and the former priest was convicted in 1999. Another incident involving a former resident at Ferryhouse took place at a Rosminian aftercare centre in Dublin on the night of the Ireland-Egypt World Cup game in 1994. The young man concerned had been staying at the centre. He and a Brother there had been drinking and, later, as the young man slept at the centre he awoke to find the Brother attempting a sexual assault. He ran off and told a relative of the Brother, who contacted Father Pierce. The young man wanted no one to be informed. Later he went to the Garda, and the Brother, who by then had left the Rosminian congregation, was convicted in 2000.

Following complaints to gardaĆ­ a layman who had assisted with pantomimes at Ferryhouse "over a long number of years" was charged with sex abuse offences and was convicted in 2002. In the late 1980s a complaint of abuse against a priest at Ferryhouse was withdrawn by a boy within 12 to 14 hours of it being made. The boy had been home for a weekend and did not want to return to Ferryhouse. He told his mother he was being abused by the priest. He later admitted this was not true and why he had made the allegation. The committee's hearings have now gone into private session where evidence will be heard from 32 former residents at Ferryhouse. This is scheduled to continue to the end of October, when the Rosminian provincial, Father Joe O'Reilly, and Father Pierce may be recalled for further questioning in public session.
posted by The Knitter @ 7:04 AM  
  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger TOMMY123 said…

    alot of sexual abuse was commoted in ferryhouse clonmel i saw boys as young as 9 been abused i was abused loads of times and beaten by cronley in room next to steel doors .as i wet the bed every night it was hell sailors they called us and beaten bude if u did not put your hand out sexual abuse was a every day accurance most boys would never know really who was abused as many boys kept it to themselves and fact was so many boys there hubdreds and more comming and going .one boy i liked was sent to me for work in kitchen it was a saturday he was liked a ghost i asked nurse to take him into hospital so called after a row she sent him upstairs he thanked me saying thanks tom but im going to die i was in bits he died 3 days later in the school he had cancer it made me mad he is burried in clonmel name paul cantwell age 15 just a boy many died there from tb and other fatal sikness.and even beate so hard it killed them we all knw this it has killed boy after boy notting done these creeps cared little they where as pedophiles most .in showers they where there when we where naked then looking see we where clean by looking in your ears and bending ones over it was a terrible pedo land.i heard of boys now men who killed themselves in uk as they where just could not cope anymore i have been in out of mental hospitals all my life since .even pier abuse was gping on there on the younger ones .i got my suit on discharge and bus ticket to dublin snd door slambed behind me thomas pollock never will forgive them or the giverment who knew what was going on ...

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Name: The Knitter
Home: Ireland
About Me: The Ryan Report I hold fast to the view that there must be no more deals, secret or otherwise done between Religious orders and the Government of Ireland without indepth consultation with people who were abused while in the care of religious orders or the state.
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