
"I accept that the boys experienced enormous anxiety and fear".
You have heard evidence, which I think you don't doubt, that bare fists were used from time to time? A. I certainly don't doubt that the open hand was used.
They had to accept "there was quite an amount of truth in what people were saying to us, perhaps even more than we knew at that stage".
Most staff, many with little education and none with training in childcare, were from rural backgrounds.
they came across institutions where children were being punished, not at the time of a misdemeanour, but were later gathered on a stairway, were made to strip off, and were then beaten.
Tuesday, December 01, 1998
Gardaí probe claims of abuse at Ferryhouse
GARDAI´ are investigating allegations of widespread sex abuse by members of a religious order at a former industrial school in Clonmel. Detectives are investigating allegations of abuse by members of the Institute of Charity (Rosminians) at the former Ferryhouse Industrial School in Clonmel from the 1960s to 1980s.

The school now operates as a young offenders institution under the name St Joseph's Special School, Ferryhouse, Clonmel. However, the order stressed yesterday there are no allegations against current staff members. The victims were all young teenagers at the time of the alleged abuse. Some former students have sought help from the Organisation for Recovery from Institutional Abuse. Its founder, Josephine Baker, yesterday appealed for other victims to contact her on (01) 8252353.

"I have spoken to people from Clonmel and the pattern of abuse seems to fit that found in other places like Artane. I am appealing for more people to come forward if they feel they can help because it is always better in terms of corroboration, to have as many statements as possible.''
The level of abuse at the school is unclear but the investigation has been underway for almost a year. Charges are being brought against one individual and further charges are expected against other former staff members.

During the years in question, 156 children were at Ferryhouse in any one year. These children came from poor backgrounds, or from families considered dysfunctional. Some would have been referred to Ferryhouse from orphanages, while others would have come there by order of the courts. A spokesman for St Joseph's said yesterday: "Our primary concern, at present, is the children in our care. Obviously, we abhor all mistreatment of children. The investigation in question relates to allegations from the past and we are co-operating fully with the gardaí. Lest any distress be caused by this report to the parents of the children attending our school, we confirm the garda investigation does not involve any member of staff here.''
posted by The Knitter @ 1:15 AM   1 comments
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Name: The Knitter
Home: Ireland
About Me: The Ryan Report I hold fast to the view that there must be no more deals, secret or otherwise done between Religious orders and the Government of Ireland without indepth consultation with people who were abused while in the care of religious orders or the state.
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